We’re THE marketplace for doer’s™
“A person who does something or more accurately - A person who acts rather than merely talking or thinking…”
- The Oxford Dictionary
What is FairDistrict?
FairDistrict is THE only marketplace in the world, for doer’s. Our mission in life is to get you living your best life; we are not just some e-commerce fad, we are the one & only marketplace for people who like to do things; while others are obsessed with brand names & trends, we are obsessed with your interests & passions.
The goal is to create a movement with the happiest users in the world, and we believe that true-happiness is when a person is deeply engaged in his or her chosen passions or interests. Basically, we’re the bridge between the doer and his or her happiness; we endeavor to sell the necessary, unique, useful, interesting, and awesome items that anyone could ever need to purse their interests or passions.
So, we’re excited to have you with us. Stay tuned…. there’s more to come!
Why shop FairDistrict?
To discover the coolest, most inspiring, and unique things that fit your interests like a glove.
Because we’re the most comprehensive interest-driven marketplace on the planet.
We practice what we preach - Our marketplace is actually curated, designed, and operated by a real-life network of doer’s.
Our Story (Why?)
FairDistrict was created as a response to the worsening mental health crisis (particularly amongst the younger generation) the world is experiencing at the moment. Studies show that a lack of purpose is one of the leading causes of mental illness. An unengaged mind is the very foundation of depression, hopelessness, and despair. The mind is a tool that must be utilized on purpose, otherwise it simply engages itself, and will most likely run amok - “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”.
Purpose is the corner-stone of every existence. Nothing is created for no reason; there’s an intended use for every creation, including humans. The mind drives the human - It is the software that drives the human being, so when the mind isn’t being utilized on purpose, it self-selects a purpose and drives the human crazy. So, to keep the mind in check, we must engage the mind ‘you guessed it’ - on purpose. And this is where FairDistrict comes in…
The ‘purpose’ of FairDistrict is to promote or inject ‘purpose’ & passionate-existence into the lives of our users, starting with this one-of-a-kind marketplace. The intension here is to encourage, educate, and provision any & all interests that our users could ever be interested in. We’re on a lifelong journey to creating the happiest community of doers in the world. Stay tuned - this is just the beginning…
Who are we?
FairDistrict is powered by a company of doer’s, with the sole purpose of helping our users live passionately. We practice what we preach and are an active network of purpose-driven enthusiasts. We’re a company of vloggers, travelers, adventurers, athletes, creators, musicians, professionals, writers, artists, activists, etc.
How Does it Work?
Unlike the others that focus on a boatload of pretentious non-sense; we’re only focused on the business of you - THE DOER.
As the only marketplace in the world, for doer’s - We’ve worked diligently to create an unforgettable, intuitive, and a creative platform. To get the best out of the platform, users only need to search any keyword that pertains to their interests/passions…
We’re just getting started; stay tuned… we’ve got great things cooking…